I’m out: I am vegan

go-veganAlthough I have been looking into this new lifestyle and even dabbling with it for several weeks, today is the day that I finally take the pledge and come out. As of today, Tuesday October 4th 2016: I AM VEGAN. As a I said I have been looking (understand: doing a tremendous amount of reading and researching) into this for months. Although I kinda-sorta gave up meat (red and poultry) weeks ago, I would find myself taking a bite here and there and not thinking much of it… so, what changed?

I guess it always bothered me that I was never able to pin point a date as to the start of this new life, and I was not really comfortable with the occasional one bite. I guess I needed further motivation, one last push to cross the final boundary.

“Earhtlings” did it.

I watched “Forks over knives” and “Cowspiracy” weeks ago, and those 2 documentaries had already motivated me. But “Earthlings” was the final straw.

When I see my kids and their reactions when they see animals, it’s a definite reminder that we are born into compassion for other beings. All other beings, not just humans. My husband and I often joke that our youngest will be a vet when he grows up, because of how much he loves animals. How can I watch him gush over the “baby chickens” he sees running through our yard, and yet feed him their cousin for dinner? Exactly, I can’t. Not if I want to be true to myself and to him.

I realize that this change of lifestyle is drastic. But I also realize that I have been fooling myself my whole life. My whole life I’ve been saying “I love animals” but here I was contributing to the massive suffering of billions of them. Why? Exactly, I don’t have a valid reason either. Nutrients? All available in the plant kingdom. Taste? Plants also provide. There is so much information out there, readily available, and easily accessible. There is no contesting possible.

It was almost meant to be that I would watch this today, and take the final step to change my life. You see, today is my best friend’s birthday. She is celebrating being 31 in heaven. Pancreatic cancer ripped her out of my life and left me no choice but to learn how to be without her. In her memory, I started a journey to becoming the best version of myself possible after she passed, 2 years ago. This journey started with health. Health truly is your biggest wealth. Without it, we can’t do anything else, not even think clearly.

So happy birthday, Best Friend, and happy day-versary to me.

Must.clean.bottles… argh!


So… I have a bit of an OCD problem: I like (understand: I need) my house to be clean. Of course, everyone does. But for me it’s to the point that I cannot do anything productive (like work) if our place, especially the kitchen, is not clean.

Since baby boy has come around, and even while I was pregnant, my germophobia has gotten worse. I disinfect everything every night after I put him to sleep, I keep all his things extra clean, especially the things he puts in his mouth… which is really anything and everything these days.

But how? What can I use to clean without having harsh chemicals around him? Short answer: white vinegar and baking soda. It’s natural and gets the job done.

For his bottles, I boil some water pour 1 cup of vinegar and 1/2cup of baking soda. It will fizz up and I let it sit for about 30min. I then give them a good brush and rinse in hot water without using detergent. Then I let it air dry. Vinegar is great for cleaning anything and the beauty of it is that it evaporates. So any residue will disappear on its own.

In an effort to use alternative cleaning solutions to rid our house of chemicals, I started researching natural ways to clean and vinegar and baking soda are among the top 2 hits for that. I also made a “spray” all purpose cleaner with the same base (water, vinegar & baking soda) that I use to wipe down our counter tops and my son’s toys. It’s awesome.

You can also try this: take a glass jar, fill it with citrus peels (lemon & orange for example), fill with white vinegar and let sit for 2 weeks. The peels will give the vinegar a citrus smell so it doesn’t smell so “vinegar-y” when you spray it! And don’t worry about the color it gives the vinegar, it does not stain 🙂

My love affair with detoxing


Detox water: strawberries, lime and cold water. Infuse for 30min, and drink up!

Aaah… detox… I swear, there really is a hippie in me. I am far from being a tree-hugger, but I do live by some simple principles. I guess you could say that I am into clean living, and I really believe that what you put in your body is crucial (she types, with her ice cream spoon still in her mouth 😉 ). I am not a big fan of dieting, however some simple daily changes can go a long way.

Here is a little trick I (should really) do every day: detox water. Citrus fruits have a lot of benefits. But to keep things simple, they are known for: astringent properties, vitamin C, can potentially decrease the risk of heart disease, antiviral, helps digestion… but the most important aspect is: DIURETIC! Lemons and limes help flush out toxins and excess water from your body.

There are also a lot of benefits to drinking cold water when you first wake up, the main one being: it speeds up your metabolism. After a long (or short) night of sleep, your body needs to start fresh.. and every morning is a chance to start the day by doing your body good.

Million dollar tip: water is the first thing you should put in your body in the morning. DO IT! You can thank me later.

This simple water recipe takes the best of both worlds: cold water to boost the metabolism and hydrate, lime to flush out toxins and excess water, and strawberries for vitamins and flavor. Another favorite is lemon, cucumber and mint. Get creative, drink water! 🙂